General Leadership Team's Canonical Visitation to our Brazilian Sisters 2023
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XVI Chapter & New Leadership Team
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We Have a Saint in SMIC Family. Sr. Dulce "Angel of the Poor" Canonized on October 13, 2019
The Church is blessed with a new Saint
The Story of a faithful follower of Christ
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Celebrations in different locations:
Canonizations in Rome
Celebration in Taiwan
Celebration in Brazil
Celebration in USA
Philippines: Thanksgiving Mass for the Canonization of Saint Irma Dulce Pontes, SMIC
Dulce Dos Pobres

Feeding the Poor in Angola
In the beginning of this year, our sisters with the help of local people, distributed food to the Angola village people. It was a generous donation from a Chinese community in New York, USA for the intention of giving New year gifts to the children. After some discussion, the sisters decided that the best gift would be food.
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Vocational Ministry
"Vocation does not come from a voice out there calling me to be something I am not. It comes from a voice in here calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original self-hood given me at birth by God." Thomas Merton
SMIC in Brazil Salvador
SMIC in Brazil Belem
SMIC in Taiwan
SMIC in Philippine
SMIC in Namibia
SMIC in Germany
Contact person

Our Religious Profession
Our Profession rooted in Baptism is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Thereby we respond to the call of God to follow Christ by our unconditional commitment, and give witness to the Good News in the service of our sisters and brother.(read more) By our Profession we obligate ourselves to live the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and in obedience in the spirit of the Gospel and in accordance with our Rule and Constitutions.
Thanks be to God, this year and last year we have a total of 11 sisters made their Profession in different parts of the world. We cordially invite you to share this joy with us.
In Namibia This year we have five Namibian sisters making their first Profession
In Belem Last December two Chinese sisters made their final Profession
In Taiwan Last August our four Vietnamese sisters made their perpetual vows in Tainan

On August 11, 2021 -- Admission Ritual Six Vietnamese young women entered our Congregation of the Holy Name Jesus Unit in Taiwan

Sisters join others concerned and speaking
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