
Sr. Regina Liu's Chinese Medical practice

"Each of us work according to our skills; however, whatever you do, do it with joy, give it for free." D. Amandus

Sr. Regina Liu recently had the opportunity to share her inspiring story on ChinoyTV. As a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor, through her interview, she not only showcased her journey and successes in the field of TCM but also highlighted the incredible impact that this ancient practice can have on patients’ health and well-being. Her passion for traditional Chinese medicine shines through her commitment to help others and improve the lives of those she treats. Her dedication to her patients and her unwavering belief in the power of TCM serve as a motivating force for aspiring doctors in the field.

Mission in Poço Verde, Brazil

I, Jaciara, together with other aspirants Isla and Patricia were invited by Sr. Ana Lucia to participate in a mission in the city of Poço Verde/Sergipe- Parish of St. Sebastian, in the Diocese of Estância, between July 9th and 15th . The objective was to talk about vocations: "LISTEN, DISCERN, LIVE THE CALL OF THE LORD". We were very well welcomed by all especially Fr. Edir Genivaldo, the Rector of the Major Seminary. Other Religious Congregations were also present, seminarians and others seeking to know their vocations. Everything happened as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Each family visited had its own particularity: solid and stable engaged couples living together, many couples without children, frequent unemployment, lack of schooling, home violence caused by alcoholism, motorcycle accidents many resulting in deaths, abuse of innocent persons, abandoned pets and houses and mothers living alone, silence reigning.

The days filled with fun were gratifying but, at the same time, delicate in listening to the stories of each one, sharing their pain is an exercise in maturity and compassion to the neighbor and self. While looking into the eyes of the other,in solidarity and saying " you can count on me and my prayers".

On our arrival, we stayed in the parish house until lunch; at night we participated in a Mass of sending of the groups divided to enter various neighborhoods. My group was "Silvino Augusto", and I knew no one. Luzia was our group guide who oriented us to know the families thus facilitating evangelization arriving with singing and guitar playing always carrying the Bible and a bottle of holy water to bless the homes. Houses of believers welcomed us but only one allowed us to bless it with holy water. To travel from one neighborhood to another there was a car, motorcycle or van. There were many adventures in the streets where we met at the town square, the place where we began our visits.

Everything was well organized; we were not ashamed to proclaim the biblical message applying it to our actual times. In the morning of the next day and afternoon we visited houses, at night we prayed the vocational Rosary prepared by us missionaries and following, Holy Mass presided by Fr. Genivaldo. On Wednesday we visited the families again; at lunch time we were with Fr. Éder to better know one another. On Thursday we visited the families once again and held a meeting with them where a couple gave their testimony. On Friday, another day to visit, we met with the children where I was chosen to speak about vocation and in the evening we met with the youth for dancing and games, then going shopping for things to have a collective lunch. On Saturday, we followed the same program as the other days. At lunch, all groups ate at the school and finally we held an evangelical walk and Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop by Fr. Éder and Fr. Genivaldo, culminating the mission in Poço Verde. During this time, we aspirants hung a mural presenting our Congregation.

My group evangelized 37 famílies. This experienced touched my life; "while I was thinking of bringing Jesus to the people, we perceived that we, first were being evangelized". There were many thank yous! Returning to Aracaju. We returned very happy to Feira de Santana for having realized this beautiful mission desiring for more! Thank you Jesus for everything!

Jaciara - Aspirant


More words from aspirant Patrícia P. da Silva-Aspirant

The Vocational week drew upon nearly 60 missionaries among which were Sisters, aspirants, vocational seekers and lay persons.

Through the work of meeting families, I especially was touched by some of the people's stories and life experiences as they were similar to my own life experiences. Compassion, sensitivity and welcoming of the other was present and at some times emotionally difficult.For this reason when we think in revealing the merciful Jesus Christ to the most needy. He reveals Himself to us through a suffering image, sad with a bitter heart for not understanding his great mystery of love for humanity.

This mission in was an unforgettable experience that I will always remember with much love. The contact with those who are very simple and humble causes me to look at how the world still suffers the lack of love and the need to have ears to listen or even offer a simple gesture to show caring. It is of this "yes" that I give God to be His instrument to reveal his love to those most in need.