Mission and Spirit, Vision Statement and Directions 2016-2022
Mission and Spirit of the Congregation
The roots of the mission and spirit of our Congregation, a religious institute of pontifical right dedicated to apostolic works and to the evangelical ideal of St. Francis, are grounded in the mission of Jesus, who was anointed by the Spirit and was sent by the Father. This mission and spirit was made concrete in Marian-Franciscan spirituality and in the charism o four Founders, Bishop Amandus Bahlmann and Mother Immaculata (Elisabeth) Tombrock. These enduring roots continue to nourish the life of our Congregation and give form and direction to our mission.

The mission of Christ is continued in His Church and through Him we are called to share in His mission. We strive to proclaim the Gospel message, to build up the community of faith, and to collaborate for the growth of humankind as a whole, thus giving glory to God, our Father. (Constitutions Chapter I, 1-2)
Congregational Vision Statement 2016-2022
Moving more deeply into our founding spirit as Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God and living into the richness of unity, we joyfully embrace the future with the continual living out of our charism
To be a contemplative and compassionate presence to all,
in constant readiness for Jesus Christ's mission, especially among the most needy
Rooted in Jesus Christ like Dom Amando and Mother Immaculata, our passion for mission impels us to take creative action in the face of the suffering of God's people and the destruction of creation. We will dialogue, collaborate, educate and heal in order to promote life in our globalized and pluralistic world.
Our journey together leads us to continual growth and constant conversion in order to show our world how God's reign is made present in our love for one another.
Our prophetic voice is strengthened by our unity in diversity and readiness for mission, thus we consciously invest in the formation of our sisters, in the adaptation of our structures and in the contemplation of our common heritage.
We courageously enter this new time in our history as women of hope and as witnesses to the power of the Gospel.
Directional Statement 2016-2022

Moved by our God, the Giver of Life, we Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God celebrated the XV General Chapter in Taiwan. The inspiring theme "That we may all be one" called us to listen to the Holy Spirit to be open to embrace this new moment hopefully and joyfully.
Through genuine dialogue and communal discernment, we courageously embark on a new journey with a spirit flowing from the mission heart of our founders. It leads us to a spirituality which enriches community life, enlivens the mission spirit and deepens our care for all creation. In addition, it challenges us to bring our unity in diversity as a gift to a world torn apart by violence and hatred.
Congregational Directions
- Unity in Diversity Our sensitivity to the cry for human dignity that comes from the global cultural realities impels us to strengthen our multi-cultural communion within and outside of SMIC Community.
- Prayer In creative fidelity to our SMIC charism we commit ourselves to develop our integrated Franciscan spirituality keeping us open to continuous conversion.
- Ministry We are determined to respond to a clear call to mission beyond borders. This motivates us to courageously expand our mission networking.
- Ecological Conversion In Franciscan reverence, we respond to the pain of Mother Earth by committing ourselves to intensify our ecological solidarity.
Our vision impels us to use our talents as gifts to contribute to the building of the Reign of God. Such examples are especially featured in the section on Ministries